no matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here
At Zwingli, we believe that asking questions helps us to grow. That's why we work hard to create a safe place to ask. Since no one ever has all the answers, we work together to gain a better understanding of life's big questions through our relationships to God and to one another. Learning about faith is a lifetime endeavor; one that makes us stronger people and, in the end, more able to serve.
Through our Christian Education programs, we look at scripture and the stories of our faith in a variety of ways so that we may deepen our faith commitments to God and our community. Bring your questions, issues, and curiosity. You are welcome here, and so are they!
Using the Standard International Sunday School Lesson Commentary, we have lessons to study and share with family and friends. The lesson overview is in PDF format, meaning the student can view on any computer or mobile device, with Scripture readings and Devotional readings.
April 5 Adult Sunday School LessonZwingli offers Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults. The program year runs from Moving Up Sunday, which is the first Sunday after Labor Day, until the end of May. Sunday School meets after our worship service, 10:30–11:30 am.
Children from age 3 through 5th grade are invited to join classes based on the Rotation Model. This is a unique way of doing Sunday School where kids look at one Bible Story for several weeks.
During each Rotation, the children have the opportunity to learn about the highlighted Bible story through classes in art, music, cooking, video, science, and games. This is a great way for kids to be reminded of the story they are learning, while at the same time allowing for different creative approaches to remember it. Children also learn a song to go with the Bible Story, which is later incorporated into a Worship Service at the end of the Rotation.
Our Sunday School classes use the Augsburg Fortress Spark Story Bible.
Youth Group is for young people in grades 6-12. We meet regularly on Sunday mornings during the program year.
We seek to provide a safe place for questions and discussion and believe a non-traditional classroom offers a more comfortable environment for these discussions. For this reason, we do not follow a set curriculum, but instead focus our time during the Sunday School hour around the interests of the youth. Often our classes have a hands-on component. We have explored our faith through cooking, photography, secular music, and short mission projects like sorting clothing for Grace's Closet or packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Annually, we also use the weeks leading up to Easter to prepare for our Youth-Led Sunrise Service.
You can find more information about the Youth Group, upcoming events, as well as our Youth Group calendar on the Youth Group page.
The Zwingli UCC Adult Bible Study class takes an in-depth look at our road map to wholesome Christian living, the Holy Bible. Click for a calendar view of the year's plan.
Our Adult Electives class consists of a different presentation every week covering a wide variety of topics, linking our faith and our work in the world. Some of our recent presentations addressed a series on immigration issues and the resettling of refugees in the US, Hope Against Heroin, safety awareness, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder service dogs, Islam in America, the faces of Jesus, and environmental protection, just to name a few. Presentations are followed with a time for discussion. This year we look forward to addressing disaster relief, fraud safety and mail fraud scam prevention, disability awareness and diversity awareness topics to enhance our understanding and collective articulation of societal issues.
In addition to our Sunday programming, Zwingli also offers the following educational opportunities:
Zwingli United Church of Christ has a long tradition that has stressed the importance of Confirmation, which is an important part of our larger Christian journey. For some, the journey begins with baptism while others begin with participation in the church with family or even on their own. During Confirmation classes youth are invited to learn (or re-learn) and reflect on their faith and church. It is our hope that at the end of the class, youth will confirm their faith and make the decision to be full, active members.
Confirmation is a two-year program at Zwingli, and the first-year class includes youth that are usually in 8th or 9th grade. The first year of our confirmation program includes review and study of the Old and New Testaments, as well as classes about Church history, UCC history and stories about Zwingli church. The second year focuses more on experience as we explore things like prayer, faith, worship, and mission through retreats, journals, field trips, and service/mission experiences. During the second year, youth are also paired with mentors, an invaluable and popular part of Confirmation. Please contact the church office for more information.
Vacation Bible Camp is offered during the summer, after public school ends in the surrounding school districts. VBC is held for age three through grade 5. Each Summer, a new theme is chosen, but no matter what the theme, each VBC uses arts & crafts, games, and music to teach kids about scripture. Mission is always an element too, because we know that no matter your age, you can always make a difference in the world! Children not only learn more about their faith, but have a lot of fun as well! Watch our website for details.
All are welcome to attend our monthly gatherings of lively conversation and fellowship centered around our book of the month. We generally meet on the third Wednesday of the month in the Bright Space at 7 pm. Discussion and reading guide questions are located on the Christian Education bulletin board in the Atrium, in front of the education hallway doors under the rainbow. Contact Nikki Bechtel with any questions.
The Meditation & Prayer Group meets to experience and practice diverse ways to pray, to deepen our spiritual lives and connection to God. Each month, we select a different type of prayer practice to incorporate in our individual prayer lives. We then meet as a group, generally the 4th Monday of the month at 9:15 am in the Youth Room, to practice this type of prayer together. All are welcome. Please check the church calendar to confirm our meeting time, current prayer practice and point of contact for the month.
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