
Still Going Strong

SGS is our name for Zwingli's social group of seniors. This group meets at noon once a month. Members bring their own lunch, share desserts, and enjoy each other's friendship. Activities include discussing topics of mutual interest, taking short trips by car-pool, having speakers to inform or entertain us, making gifts for shut-ins, or participating in other activities as suggested by members. This is an informal gathering whose aim is to keep its members involved with other church members and to care about one another.

Zwingli Youth Group

Zwingli Youth Group is for youth in grades 6-12. We meet regularly on Sunday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30 am during the program year. We also meet outside the Sunday School hour for other activities. These activities have ranged from purely social events like ice-skating, going to the movies and Halloween Hayrides, to those that are mission-based like the Sleep Out for Homelessness, 30 Hour Famine, and our Service Scavenger Hunt.

You can find more information about the Youth Group, upcoming events, as well as our Youth Group calendar on the Youth Group page.

Fellowship Activities

Progressive dinners, movie nights, cookie making, seasonal dinners, and other social events draw us together as a community while allowing us to share fun and laughter as we journey together in Christ.

Zwingli UCC Every Piece Matters Easter morning Vacation Bible Camp 2019 choir rehearsing Green Lane waterfall kitchen crew Blessing of the Animals fellowship card ministry Vacation Bible Camp smiles friends still friends Souderton parade prayer shawl ministry blessing our pets
Neighborhood Caroling worship music 350 Wile

counter=75311, site updated 6/24/2020

celebrating and sharing God's love