no matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here
At Zwingli United Church of Christ, we promise to engage and nurture Christ's light in all of God's people, no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity, race or ethnic background, social status, soul injury, religious beliefs, age, and physical, mental, or addiction challenges.
We aspire to be a counterweight to exclusion and discrimination. We choose to purposefully welcome and include all people in every aspect of our church family including worship, fellowship, and leadership, lay and ordained, and will meet you where you are on life's journey to share God's love with you. It is our commitment that all members should feel and be safe, as we express God's universal and unconditional love in our church, community and daily lives.
We are worshipping in person in our sanctuary, Sundays at 9 am, and also live-streaming worship on Facebook at 8:45 am. We post our service on YouTube early in the week.
Masking is currently optional.
We welcome children of all ages in our services. "Busy Bags" are available from the ushers. And for families who desire it, nursery care is available for preschool children during worship services.
We are wheel-chair accessible and air-conditioned.
Regular office hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Thursday, and 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Friday. Closed 12-1 daily.
Live-streaming on Facebook, Sundays starting 8:45 am:
Scroll to the Sunday morning post.
See it later on YouTube:
Jonathan's YouTube channel
Or check your weekly Z-News on Monday for a link!
The Ash Wednesday service will be held on February 14, 2024, at 7:00 pm at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 69 West Broad Street, Souderton.
Thursday, March 28 Zwingli UCC 7 pm Hand Washing/Communion
Friday, March 29 Emmanuel Lutheran Church 7 pm
Sunday, March 31 Zwingli UCC 6 am - Sunrise Service 9 am - Traditional Service Sacrament of Holy Communion at both services
Interested in leading or helping with our Children's Sunday School? Sign up here! This year we will be following the Sparkhouse lectionary. Curriculum is provided to guide you through the lessons--see the link and information at the signup page. Have questions or need help getting your clearances? Ask an Educator! We would be happy to help.
EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT: We are thankful for Konnor S. Pierce and Boy Scout Troop #401 for their work on our prayer and meditation bench. And thanks to all who donated toward expenses. We met our goal!
Would you like to sponsor the flowers in the chancel or worship bulletins one Sunday morning? You'll find sponsorship forms on the bulletin board next to the church office.
We have partnered with Fasageo's Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria, 724 Ridge Road, Sellersville, PA, for an ongoing fundraiser. Fasageo's will return to Zwingli 10% of any food sales. You just need to inform them when placing your order for dine-in, pickup, or delivery that you are a member of Zwingli. It's that simple!
Stephen Ministry congregations equip and empower lay caregivers—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. Thanks to Jonathan Widgins and Pastor Butch, our Stephen Leaders, we have a trained group of Stephen Ministers. Now it is important for all of us to understand how this ministry will best benefit our congregation and community.
To learn more about Stephen Ministries, check their website.
We have ShopRite, GIANT and Landis Supermarket gift cards!
As always, your gift card purchase from Zwingli church automatically gives the church 5%. Cards are available for purchase Sunday morning or through the church office during the week.
Zwingli United Church of Christ, as a community blessed with a spirit of abundance and generosity, is called to:
Create a safe place to explore faith and worship, full of life, energy and enthusiasm.
Connect to the world through our local and global commitments, becoming stronger in our faith.
Celebrate all people as God's children, affirming each other's unique gifts.
With God's help, we are united in the Spirit, listening and preparing for God's work — embracing all possibilities.
There's a bin at the back of the parking lot!
Recycle all of your newspaper, magazines, shopping catalogs, office and school papers and mail 24 hours/ 7 days a week right here in our green and yellow bin. You save water and energy by recycling .
Adopt a Sunday morning to provide some goodies for our fellowship and coffee time after worship. Look for the signup sheet on the bulletin board near the coffee maker in the lobby.
Watch this video of the inspiring mission presentation in our worship service of March 13, 2015. Each year we support One Great Hour of Sharing!
These pictures were taken by the Zwingli Youth Photography class as a way to understand that we may not always see things as they are...each picture is just a part of an item in Zwingli. Can you tell what the entire picture would be? We may only see a part of a person, item or activity around us. Stepping back and looking at a bigger picture could change our view of situations, people and experiences. At the same time, isn't it nice to see some of the detail in each item and person if you look closely?
-Matthew 6:20-21
-Psalm 122:1
counter=75401, site updated 6/24/2020