Youth Group

Zwingli Youth Group is for youth in grades 6-12. We meet regularly on Sunday mornings during the program year. We also meet outside of the Sunday School hour for other activities. You can find information about Youth Group happenings below.

Youth Group Invite

Upcoming Youth Group Events:

Service Scavenger Hunt

We'll be participating in the Service Scavenger Hunt and Potluck on September 28th. Youth will have an opportunity to meet with their teams during the Sunday School hour on September 15th to discuss team names and t-shirt ideas. September 22nd, during the Sunday School hour, teams will have an opportunity to decorate their t-shirts. We will need team chaperones for this event: you can volunteer here.

Service Scavenger Hunt Registration Form and full information Service Scavenger Hunt Invite

Sleep Out 2019

We'll be participating in Keystone Opportunity Center's Sleepout 2019 event October 25th-26th at Zion Mennonite Church in Souderton. We'll use the Sunday School hour on October 20th to plan how we will build our cardboard structure for this event. We will need chaperones for this event: you can volunteer here. For more information about the event, visit Keystone Opportunity Center's webpage.

Sleepout for Homeless

Save the Dates:

30 Hour Famine

Zwingli Youth Group will participate in the 30 Hour Famine February 28th-February 29th. More information about our event will be shared in the coming months. However, you're welcome to visit the 30 Hour Famine page in the meantime. To volunteer to chaperone, provide transportation, assist with fundraising, or be a prayer buddy for this event, you can volunteer here.
30 Hour Famine Banner

UNITE! - 2020 National Youth Event

The UCC's National Youth Event will be held at Purdue University, July 22nd-25th. You can find more information about this UCC event here. To date we have had a few youth express interest in attending UNITE! To volunteer to chaperone or assist with fundraising, you can volunteer here.

UNITE! National Youth Event

Support the Youth Group with Your Time & Talents

Our youth have expressed an interest in numerous events for the 2019/2020 program year that cannot happen without the support of volunteers. To view a list of opportunities or to sign up to share your time and talents with Zwingli Youth Group, click here. Signing up is not a commitment. It's simply a way for our youth leaders to know who they can call on for help should the need arise.

Please note, you DO need to have your clearances on file with the church office to volunteer with our youth. For more information about how to obtain your clearances, click here.

Youth Group Forms



(For all of Zwingli's happenings, visit our church calendar here).

Zwingli UCC Every Piece Matters Easter morning Vacation Bible Camp 2019 choir rehearsing Green Lane waterfall kitchen crew Blessing of the Animals fellowship card ministry Vacation Bible Camp smiles friends still friends Souderton parade prayer shawl ministry blessing our pets
Neighborhood Caroling worship music 350 Wile

counter=75406, site updated 6/24/2020

celebrating and sharing God's love